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Sustainable Partnership Between Águas do Tejo Atlântico and Priority Goal Promotes Use of Recycled Water at West Cliffs Golf Course

Águas do Tejo Atlântico and Priority Goal have announced an innovative partnership aimed at using recycled water, known as água+, to irrigate the West Cliffs golf course. This agreement represents a significant step towards sustainability by adopting practices that prioritise the efficient management of water resources.

With the use of approximately 570m³ of water per day, produced at the Casalinho/ETAR Water Factory, the partnership reflects a strong commitment to mitigating the consumption of potable water in non-potable activities, such as watering green spaces. The project has received all the necessary licences from the Portuguese Environment Agency (APA), allowing it to complement the daily watering of around 22 hectares of the course.

Priority Goal, the owner of the golf course, highlighted the honor of being one of the first courses in Portugal to adopt wastewater for irrigation. From West Cliffs’ inauguration in 2017, the use of wastewater has been a priority, with infrastructure prepared since construction. This initiative reinforces the company’s commitment to environmental sustainability by promoting the use of photovoltaic energy, reducing grass areas (by more than 25% compared to the national average), using new grass varieties better suited to the local climate and soil conditions, and implementing cultural practices that substantially reduce the application of chemicals and water, alongside the expected use of wastewater.

The success of the approach taken at West Cliffs and its international recognition are evident in the various awards it has received since its inauguration, such as those from the Foundation for Sustainable Golf (GEO), and in the high number of visitors. West Cliffs is one of the most popular golf courses in Portugal, clearly demonstrating that sustainability can be compatible with competitiveness in the golf tourism market.

With this partnership, Águas do Tejo Atlântico and Priority Goal reaffirm their commitment to a sustainable future, showing that public-private partnerships are essential for environmental protection.

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